I'm a master with the knife

Just remember to aim a little ahead of your target, as the knife isn't an instantanious shot. Also remember that sometimes it won't register, so be ready to take another shot at it, or you could just miss. Sneak up on someone and test from different ranges how the knife works (if you're willing to do it, a great way to practice that one is on AFK teammates... they ain't going nowhere )
K/P is for losers, so learning to knife on a real server is definitely the way to go. To answer the exact questions:

"How do you ensure that you'll get a hit?"
There isn't a way to 100% ensure a hit, just aim a bit ahead of the target if moving, and be a good 1-2 feet away.

"(Is there a good way to practice this?)"
AFK people. It loses you some points, but it's both A) FUN! and B) productive. Make sure to bring a defib., though. Be careful, too, as doing this too much kind of looks like stat padding to some people. Also, defending the titan is a good place.

"What is an appropriate situation to use the knife?"
I use mine whenever I can, just 'cause I love 'em. But the most appropriate situations would be close quarters (duh!) somewhat confined situations with few enemies present. It CAN be done easily in open spaces, but keep in mind that the other team probably won't just sit back and watch you knife, they'll fill you with lead.

"What game mode/map/area is better for getting knife kills?"
Anything with the word "Titan" in it, in my opinion. Once you get to the defense of your titan, you can rack up a good amount of kills. Sneak up to enemies sniping fron the vents for a few quick kills. Also, for conquest, the smaller maps like Camp Gibraltar are better for knifing. More people in a smaller area.


How to Knife

  • The easiest way to cope with the knife in Battlefield 2142 is to always aim a the feet of your intented victim. For some reason, this seems to help kill them a lot easier – and if you hear the chink, you win!